Weinert Portrait
Dr. Scott Weinert
Office: 319 Physical Science I
Phone: (405) 744-6543

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Group Photos

The Crüe in May 2005:
Left to Right: Esla Subashi, Lindy Goeller.

The Crüe in July 2006:
Left to Right: Esla Subashi, Tony Wetherby, Monika Amadoruge

Group Jun2009

The Crüe in June 2009:
Left to Right: Rebecca Green, Erin (Short) Shrick, Scott Weinert, Tony Wetherby,
Christian Samanamu, Monika Amadoruge

Group Jul2010

The Crüe in June 2010:

Left to Right: Kimberly Roewe, Courtney Anderson, Christian Samanamu,
Erin (Short) Schrick, Scott Weinert, Aaron Schrick, Monika Amadoruge

Group Aug2011

The Crüe in August 2011:

Left to Right: Courtney Anderson, Christian Samanamu, Erin (Short) Schrick, Aaron Schrick,
Kimberly Roewe, Scott Weinert, Kimberly Sigala (Visiting Undergrad-UTEP),
Eduardo Cervantes (Visiting Undergrad-UTEP)

Group May 2014

The Crüe in May 2014:

Left to Right: Sangeetha Komanduri, Kimberly Roewe, Scott Weinert, Aaron Schrick

Group June 2016 

The Crüe in June 2015:

Left to Right: Scott Weinert, Sangeetha Komanduri, Melanie Wolf (Visiting student from
Prof. Frank Uhlig's lab at TU-Graz), Alex Shumaker

The Crüe in April 2017:

Back, Left to Right: Alex Shumaker, Cody Knight, Scott Weinert
Front, Left to Right: Miguel Leal, Sangeetha Komanduri, Sydney Hallenbeck

The Crüe in April 2017:

Left to Right: Alex Shumaker, Ardalan Hayatifar, Miguel Leal, Scott Weinert
Sangeetha Komanduri, Erika Lopez Quiroz

The Crüe in May 2018:

Left to Right: Scott Weinert, Sangeetha Komanduri, Alex Shumaker,
Miguel Leal, Ardalan Hayatifar.

 Thad and Vanessa 2

The Crüe in June 2022:

Left to Right: Thad Stancil, Vanessa Fortney